NUPD & Event Security

CSI will inform NUPD of in-person events being planned by student organizations. CSI and/or NUPD may assign police officers to work at your event depending on the nature of the activity. If the event is funded by the SGA Finance Board, the fee for police details will be paid by the SGA Finance Board. Otherwise your organization will be charged for any officers assigned to your event, so make sure to include this expense in your initial budget. The following are examples of activities where officers may be assigned:

  • Cash is collected
  • A crowd of more than 200 people is expected
  • Event features a visitor/speaker/performer that is a public figure, political candidate, controversial in nature, or has a history of inciting crowds
  • Event will take place in a public forum (i.e. rally or adjacent to public pathways/roadways)
  • Event is open to NU +1
  • Event includes the serving of alcohol
  • The event will be hosted in either Blackman Auditorium or Matthews Arena
  • The event will be designated as a NU +1 event for attendees
  • The event is perceived, or reported information suggests there will be an increased security risk

Depending on the location, size, and nature of your event, NUPD may assess that your event needs additional security. If your event meets any of the below criteria, you should plan for an additional $522 in your organization’s budget planning (this amount is an estimation).

>> If you are not sure about the safety or security needs for your event, please consult with CSI by booking a meeting with CSI Booking Calendar.

Note: If pursuing funding from the SGA Finance Board or from the Graduate Student Government, include the $522 (estimate) request in your budget request. If pursuing funding from the SGA Finance Board, this cost will be covered by their NUPD funding pool, (excludes groups with annual budgets).