LEAD360 is a collection of FREE leadership programs designed to teach students the vital skills they need to become more socially responsible and well-rounded leaders on campus and beyond. Building upon the values of interdependence, accessibility, justice, and experiential learning, LEAD360 will help you learn more about yourself, evaluate the ways you collaborate and interact with others, and identify the causes and topics that you are most passionate about.

Mission & Vision

Our Vision: Developing experienced leaders for a better future with the belief that leadership is a process utilizing the four values; Experiential, Accessible, Justice Oriented and Interdependence.

Our Mission: LEAD360 provides all Northeastern students with the vital skills needed to practice circular and identity-based leadership in order to become more socially responsible and well-rounded leaders on campus and their communities.


Join Lead360 Programs!

LEAD360 offers something for everyone. Whether you are interested in exploring leadership as a first-year student, discussing social-justice issues, getting involved in the Boston community, or just building your leadership skills — we are here to support you!

Studies show that those who were highly involved in student activities and leadership programs during college are more marketable, and tend to be higher performers in their jobs! Check out our programs to find the one that’s right for you!


Why should you participate in a LEAD360 program?



on campus with faculty/staff, student facilitators, and other student leaders.



as a student leader on campus and in the community.


your time management and communication skills.


to work as part of a team.



to be successful in your co-ops, student leader positions, and future careers.