Circular Leadership
A circle has 360 degrees, like our address 360 Huntington Avenue, and like our name, LEAD360. A circle symbolizes togetherness, growth, wholeness, inclusion , and other traits that we all hold and seek to develop as leaders.

A circle is a locus of points that are the same distance from the center, all points are in relationship and needed for it to be a circle and not just a curved line. How can we, as leaders, work to uplift the ways in which we need one another, across differences, to be whole?
A circle has no concave features; no part of a circle is hidden from the rest. What can we do, as leaders, to eliminate exclusionary barriers?
A circle is non-hierarchical; no part is more important or holds more power than any other part. What can we, as leaders, do to share power and break down hierarchical systems?
A circle is cylical/continous, and like a wheel, represents being in motion. How can we, as leaders, continue our leadership journey, not as destination, but as an ongoing process of learning and unlearning?