Event Planning

As student organizations, your goal should be to host programs and events to engage your membership and the Northeastern community! Every semester, registered student organizations host hundreds of incredible events, including concerts, leadership workshops, guest lectures, cultural celebrations, political and social demonstrations, and more! As you can imagine, a lot of planning goes into offering so many events, which is why it is so important for you to be aware of the proper timeline and process for hosting events on campus

Event Planning

As student organizations, your goal should be to host programs and events to engage your membership and the Northeastern community! Every semester, registered student organizations host hundreds of incredible events, including concerts, leadership workshops, guest lectures, cultural celebrations, political and social demonstrations, and more! As you can imagine, a lot of planning goes into offering so many events, which is why it is so important for you to be aware of the proper timeline and process for hosting events on campus

Event Planning Steps

Step-By-Step Guide

Step 1. Student Organization Reserves Space and Secures Funding for Program

One of the biggest benefits of being a registered student organization is that you have access to submit a room reservation through NUSSO. This access is granted automatically to whoever is listed as your President, Treasurer, and Scheduling Coordinator on Engage. If you have any questions regarding reserving non-academic space, please contact the Scheduling team (cscreservations@northeastern.edu).

For questions regarding funding timelines, please see the Finance Board’s Website for Undergraduates, or Graduate Student Government website for Graduates.

If you have questions regarding the current balance in your student organization cash or budget index, please check in with your faculty/staff Advisor (not your Program Manager) or SABO.


Step 2: Student must submit an Event Request on Engage. Missed deadlines will result in cancelled or rescheduled events. See timelines below:
10 weeks before the event date if your organization is looking to host an event/event series (virtual or in person) that will require the process for bids and/or facilities contract(s) (i.e, hotel, boats, conference centers and campgrounds).
8 weeks before the event date if your organization is looking to host an event/event series (virtual or in person) that will require the execution of all other contracts.
6 weeks before the event date if your organization is looking to host an event/event series (virtual or in person) that does not require the execution of a contract with an external party.
3 weeks before your all other events, barbecues or fundraiser.
3 week notice for any purchasing needs that are not connected with the above events.
Any requests within three weeks of your event date may not be completed due to lack of notice. Northeastern has strict policies for Venue request and Facilities requests.
Please be as thorough as possible when completing the Event Request. If you have questions about how to submit this Event Request, review this workflow for directions!
If you still have questions, please schedule a quick meeting with a CSI Program Manager. Booking link here You do not need to complete the Event Request for the following:

  • For organization meetings
  • For tabling to promote your organization
  • If your organization is seeking a corporate sponsor or donation (complete the Sponsorship/Donation Request Form

Event Types

My event will have...

Copyright laws REQUIRE that your organization pay for the rights to films and videos from a licensed distributor when screening in a public place. Please meet with a CSI Program Manager if you have questions about potential exceptions to this policy or to get quotes by scheduling a quick meeting. Booking link here. For quotes from a licensed distributor on the cost for the rights to screen any film or documentary, please check out:

The following are NOT considered licensed distributors and do NOT qualify as paying for the rights to a film:

  • Purchasing the film on DVD
  • Renting from the library (Northeastern or local)
  • Online streaming services (such as Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, etc.)

If your student organization is looking to host a concert in AfterHOURS, Blackman, CSC Ballroom, Fenway Center, or virtually, all artists and audience type (ex. NU only, NU +1) must be approved by the Concert Committee, which comprise full-time staff members from the Center for Student Involvement and Event Management. The committee reserves the right to alter your event plan. Please contact a CSI Program Manager at least 10 weeks before your event date to begin this process. Schedule a meeting here Booking link here

The University is committed to promoting a safe environment for all guests on our campus, including those under the age of 18. The Office of Risk Services has created guidelines to track activities involving minors and has provided educational materials to ensure the safety of minors at events on and off-campus.

To promote the safety of minors participating in activities at or sponsored by Northeastern University, all programs must abide by Northeastern University’s Minors Policy, in addition to any applicable federal, state, or local law. Please read the entire Northeastern University’s Minors Policy by visiting Northeastern University’s Policy  website.

If you are considering inviting President Aoun or any other senior Northeastern official to your event, you must contact your CSI Program Manager. Invitations must be routed through proper channels for consideration.

Political Campaign Activity

Northeastern University is committed to the free flow of ideas and opinions, and encourages its students, faculty and staff to vote and participate in civic discussions and the democratic process. As a tax-exempt, nonprofit institution, however, the university is prohibited under federal tax laws from direct involvement in political campaign activity and may not endorse or oppose candidates for political office or contribute money, goods or services to political campaigns. This policy addresses those prohibitions and their practical implications for faculty, staff, and students. Northeastern Policy on Government Relations, Lobbying and Political Campaign Activity.

Student organizations interested in hosting a BBQ must reserve outdoor space through the Curry Student Union Scheduling Office or through NUSSO. BBQs are permitted in the following locations:

  • Centennial Common
  • West Village Quad

Once the space is reserved, complete the Engage Event Request on Engage. The form must be completed at least 3 weeks prior to your BBQ.

Note: Completing the Engage Event Request does not guarantee a grill reservation. Dining Services will send a confirmation to the contact person(s) once a grill has been reserved.

Food order payment options include University-issued budget numbers. Security deposit payment options include cash or University-issued budget numbers. Full payment is requested upon pickup. You will be charged $15 for a grilling and preparation fee.

Organizations are not allowed to bring their own grill to campus. All BBQ’s must use a grill provided by NU Dining.


The organization’s executive board must communicate with a CSI Program Manager to plan out the travel accommodations well before the date of the trip. Please schedule time with staff from the Center for Student Involvement to review your travel plans. When scheduling a meeting, please select the travel option. Booking link here

Please Review the Travel Section under Policies

Meet with your a Program Manager to discuss the policies for events at which alcoholic beverages are served. Ensure your organization is prepared for all necessary components before spending funds.

The legal drinking age in Massachusetts is 21. Northeastern University and your organization, including its executive board members are subject to disciplinary action and liabilities if existing rules and procedures are not followed. Student organizations planning events must ensure the laws of the Commonwealth are followed by:

  • Choosing not to serve alcohol at an event
  • Choosing to serve alcohol, but restrict admission to those 21 years or older
  • Choosing to serve alcohol without restricting admission, but limiting the consumption of alcohol to those 21 years or older


General Guidelines
The following guidelines apply to all student group events where alcohol will be served.


  • Alcohol is prohibited at all Northeastern undergraduate student organization recruiting, orientation, and initiation activities
  • Alcohol is NOT permitted in AfterHOURS
  • Commercial distribution, promotion, and giveaways of alcohol and related products are prohibited
  • Alcohol cannot be provided as an award or prize
  • Funding or sponsorship by the manufacturers, distributors, or sellers of alcohol are prohibited

Sale and Use:

  • All bars must be a ‘cash bar’
  • ‘Open bars’ are prohibited at all student organization sponsored events
  • Activity Fee funds may NOT be used for the purchase of alcohol
  • Alcohol may not be included as part of the cost of a student organization’s event admission fee

Safe Consumption:

  • Food (substantial snacks) and non-alcoholic beverages, other than water, must be provided for free, or sold at a price less than the charge for alcoholic beverages
  • Only one alcoholic beverage per person can be served at a time
  • Serving of all alcoholic beverages must end 30 minutes prior the scheduled end time of the event

Host Responsibilities:

  • At least one member of the hosting student organization must be present and remain sober throughout the entire event to assist event staff in enforcing all rules and procedures
  • The organization’s faculty/staff Advisor (or their designee) is encouraged to be present at events where alcohol is being served, and to assist staff in enforcing all rules and procedures

Advertising On-Campus OR Off-Campus Events with Alcohol:

  • Advertisements for Northeastern-sponsored events with alcohol must focus on the theme or social function, rather than the alcohol service
  • Advertisements may NOT include any reference to alcohol (examples of this marketing: “Beer Blast” or “Booze Cruise”)
  • Advertising and promotion of events with alcohol must be completely under the control of the sponsoring Northeastern organization
  • No posting, announcements, promotions, or ticket sales may be made, placed, or distributed on Northeastern-owned or leased property for non-Northeastern sponsored events at which alcohol will be served or consumed

On Campus Events with Alcohol: In addition to the preceding general guidelines for events with alcohol, the following policies apply to all on-campus student organization events at which alcohol will be served:

  • Events must be Northeastern only
  • Admission to the event will be limited to those producing legal proof of age, such as a passport, valid driver’s license, or a Registry of Motor Vehicles Liquor ID
  • NUPD Detail Officer(s) are required to be present at all student organization events where alcohol is served
  • There may be restrictions on where alcohol can be consumed
  • Rebecca’s Cafe must cater the event and will do so according to the laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the City of Boston pertaining to the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages
  • Only Rebecca’s staff may load-in or remove alcoholic beverages to and from any event
  • The event may require extra Event Management staffing (applicable only when hosting an event in a space staffed by Event Management)
  • Rebecca’s staff will not serve persons believed to be intoxicated
  • CSC Operations staff and/or NUPD Detail Officer will advise and assist hosts at the function. However, the hosts must conduct the function in accordance with the Commonwealth laws, local ordinances, and Northeastern regulations
  • The NUPD Detail Officer, Rebecca’s, or CSC Operations staff have the authority to shut down an event if, in their opinion, laws or policies are being violated. Rebecca’s reserves the right to stop serving alcohol if it is felt that problems may arise if alcohol continues to be served

Off-Campus Events with Alcohol:
Any event sponsored by a student organization places responsibility on Northeastern as well as the organization. Therefore, events held off-campus that involve alcohol require careful planning and strict regulation for your protection. Northeastern requires that each individual organization be protected from legal liability for the serving of alcohol. All organizations must use off-campus facilities and vendors that hold and accept liquor liability. Many local hotels, clubs, and harbor cruise companies meet these standards. Contact a CSI Program Manager for guidance or questions.

In addition to the preceding guidelines and general guidelines for events with alcohol, the following procedures apply to all off-campus student organization events at which alcohol will be served:

  • A third-party vendor (hotel, night club, etc.) must be contracted
  • All third-party vendors must sign a Northeastern contract detailing the alcohol service, adequate liquor liability coverage, and liability related to the serving of alcohol is placed on the vendor (this contract must be reviewed by the Office of the General Counsel prior to contracting for services)
  • Alcoholic beverages may only be brought into or removed from an event by vendor personnel

In ALL cases where food is served at an event, it will be the responsibility of the organization to clean up the reserved space immediately after the event, dispose of any trash (remove it from the room), and clean off all table space. The event room must be left in the condition it was found. Failure to clean up the area could result in charges assessed to the organization and/or a loss of room usage privileges for a period of time.

REFRESHMENTS: Items such as soda, chips and cookies, that are non-perishable and do not require heating or cooling.

PIZZA/SANDWICHES/TAKEOUT: Off-campus deliveries to campus for an organization meeting.


Northeastern Catering is a preferred on-campus caterer. To order, please visit their website, https://northeastern.catertrax.com/.

Rebecca’s Café is a preferred on-campus caterer. To order, please visit their website, rebeccasculinarygroup.com/northeastern.

>> Chartwells and Varano are other on-campus catering available for use and/or required in certain event spaces.

OFF-CAMPUS CATERING: Any external vendor that does not meet the characteristics of Refreshments and Takeout. Please meet with a CSI Program Manager to discuss contracts and timelines. May be used for events with NU community members and/or non-NU guests.


To Use a Non-Northeastern University Caterer
The Center Student Involvement defines catering as a:

  • Non-university caterers/restaurants/food vendors who provide food on property owned or leased by Northeastern University.
  • A food vendor coming onto University property to prepare, deliver, transport, set out, and/or serve food for meetings, conferences, or special occasions.
  • Licensed, insured, and approved caterers providing food and beverage service on-campus.

The Center for Student Involvement does not consider the following catering:

  • Meals and other food served in an off-campus restaurant and/or catering premise where a University-sponsored program or event is being held (example: a group of University students/guests eating at a restaurant or hosting an event at a facility that includes food and the use of the facility).
  • Pizza, sandwiches, or simple refreshments delivered to campus or picked up by the student organization

>> Northeastern Catering, Rebecca’s Catering, Varano and Chartwell vendors are the preferred caterers for Northeastern University. CSI highly recommends that all student organizations having catered food for meetings, conferences, or special occasions, work with these vendors to complete their food needs.

You are required to complete an Engage Event Request on Engage and gain CSI approval BEFORE placing a catering order with on-campus or off-campus caterers.

If your student organization is planning on having catered food at your event from an off-campus vendor that meets the catering criteria above, you need to complete the following steps before an order is placed:

ORDERS $5,000.00 AND UNDER: CSI Program Manager, SABO staff member, Advisor, or a member of your organization can place a catering order without the need of a Northeastern signed contract if the following criteria are met:

  • The vendor provided only an invoice that does not require a signature to complete the order.
  • The vendor does not require a signed contract or has legal terms requiring a signature.
  • You have completed an Engage Event Request, and gained CSI approval.

ORDERS $5,000 AND OVER: All outside vendors who perform catering services at or above the $5,000.00 mark must have a signed Northeastern agreement, a current insurance certificate (including liquor liability for full-service caterers) and all necessary paperwork on file with CSI. The following criteria must be met before your event can happen:

  • You have completed an Engage Event  Request and gain CSI  approval.
  • A pre-contract form and all necessary paperwork from the vendor has been completed via the instructions provided to you by your CSI Program Manager.

Your organization is encouraged to fundraise and seek outside contributions from academic departments and/or co-sponsorships. Money raised is deposited into your student organization Cash Account. All fundraising, collection and solicitation events must first be approved by the Center for Student Involvement. Once approved, complete the Event Registration Request according to the timeline for your event type indicated in the Event Registration Request form.

Please Review the Fundraising Section under Policies.

Meet with a CSI Program Manager to discuss the policies for a guest speakers.  All speaking events must have an Engage Event Request Submission well in advance of the date of the event.

Paid Speakers: Speakers who are paid must go through the Northeastern’s Contract Process, which takes 4-6 weeks.

Free Speakers: Speakers who speak on campus who don’t charge a fee, must complete the Honorary Speaker Agreement. This agreement must be completed before the speaking engagement.

Controversial Speakers: Organizations seeking to host a speaker on campus that may be deemed controversial are required to submit an Engage Event Request (via Engage) to CSI a minimum of 6 business weeks in advance of the scheduled event date to allow enough time for vetting and preparations by Student Life Leadership.

Student organizations interested in hosting a Candlelight Vigil must reserve outdoor space through the Curry Student Union Scheduling Office or NUSSO. Candlelight Vigils are permitted in the following locations:

  • Centennial Common
  • West Village Quad

Once the space is reserved, complete the Engage Event  Request on Engage. The form must be completed at least 3 weeks prior to your Vigil.


Accessibility at Events

The Center for Student Involvement is committed to providing accessibility at campus events. The following points will assist you in planning events from the outset that are accessible and welcoming to participants. There is no fee for student organizations to have accessibility services at events.

When Planning Inclusive and Accessible Events...

Venues: Events must take place in wheelchair-accessible locations, which include step-free paths of travel and public elevators if held on higher floors. Room set-up should include spaces and tables that allow for wheelchair access. Rooms with movable furniture are preferable to follow for flexibility in seating. Keep sight-lines from seating areas to stage, podium or front of room in mind. Be aware of obscured views.

Virtual Programs: We recommend using online platforms that support multiple accessibility features such as live captioning, closed captioning, screen reader support, magnifier/zoom in and out features, auto translation, etc.

Marketing Materials: Student organizations should provide the information about accessibility on all marketing materials to allow attendees to request accommodations. Below is a sample statement to use in your marketing:

>> “If you require disability-related accommodations to participate in this event, please contact [insert student organization contact here] at least 2 weeks in advance of the event.” 

Communication Access: Communication Access Sign Language Interpreting and Real-Time Captioning (CART) enables Deaf and Hard of Hearing participants to follow lectures, presentations, videos and other auditory aspects of events. If an attendee contacts you requesting this accommodation, please submit a Request for Communication Access on the Disability Resource Center (DRC) website no less than 2 weeks before the event date. DRC staff will follow-up with you concerning event details. The DRC cannot guarantee that an interpreter or CART provider will be available without a minimum of  2 weeks’ notice.

Plan for adequate venue lighting and sightlines for audience members. Reserve seating for Deaf and Hard of Hearing attendees to be able to see Sign Language Interpreters on stage or at the front of the room.

Providing Accommodations to Students with Disabilities: All student organizations must be open and accessible to all. If a student is interested in your organization and you become aware that the student has a disability and you are unsure how to make your meetings/organization accessible, please contact the Disability Resource Center at (617) 373-2675 for recommendations. Here are some suggested tips:

  • If you are aware of any students who are deaf or hard of hearing, arrange for an ASL interpreter. Fill-out the Interpreter/CART Request – Events Form, here on the DRC website.
  • Raise your hand to indicate your intentions to speak. This informs ALL participants of who is speaking. When several people raise their hands simultaneously, it is up to the chairperson to recognize each one and determine in what order they will be called on to speak. Always use a microphone when available.
  • Participants must speak one at a time. Participants should speak directly to the group and avoid speaking to the interpreter. It is impossible for interpreters to convey multiple conversations and it is often confusing to understand.

Before the meeting, provide all participants with the agenda and all printed material so that attendees using an interpreter are not forced to attempt to read handouts and watch an interpreted discussion at the same time. Additionally, be prepared to create large print (16 pt. font) materials for those who are visually impaired.